České Radiokomunikace

Hybrid television broadcasting

Connect your digital TV to the internet and give your viewers access to interactive features

HbbTV, better known in our country as the red button, links the world of classical television to the internet. By combining digital television broadcasting and the endless possibilities of the internet, you can offer your viewers more interesting and relevant content. Additionally, you will gain new opportunities in advertising and commercials.

An interactive ‘feedback channel’

You will get a ‘feedback channel’
You will get a ‘feedback channel’
Supplement traditional TV broadcasting with feedback from your viewers that was previously missing.
HbbTV is supported by most manufacturers
HbbTV is supported by most manufacturers
The technology is supported by most TV set and set-top box manufacturers. The controls are the same for all manufacturers.
New advertising and promo options
New advertising and promo options
A highly visible advertising format, no banner blindness, no ad blockers.
Accessible from any device
Accessible from any device
Connects for example to your phone or tablet.

What our clients say


Petr Horák
Director of New Projects, Nova Group

We are pleased to be able to rely on CRA in running our VOYO service. The technical facilities provided to us make it possible for us to develop the service further, e.g., by offering more content on the portal or by increasing the image quality of the programmes.
Český rozhlas

Jiří Malina
Director of New Media, Czech Radio

According to a survey we conducted in preparation for the HbbTV project, tens of thousands of our listeners regularly listen to Czech Radio via television every month. We are pleased to be able to develop the distribution of our broadcasts in those places where listeners are clearly interested. For example, around 5% of listeners listen to the BBC in the UK via TV.

What HbbTV can do

The most commonly used advertising formats
What HbbTV can do
  • Branded ‘red button’
  • Product microsite
  • Banners in the HbbTV application
  • Remarketing
  • Click2video
  • Programme sponsorship
  • Video advertising in the show archive (preroll, midroll, postroll)
HbbTV Manager to administer your environment
What HbbTV can do
  • Interactive content management
  • Deploying the red button to the broadcast
  • Creating an HbbTV portal
  • Statistics and reports to evaluate the success rate
With HbbTV, you can always offer something extra
What HbbTV can do
  • Programme archive
  • Video library (video on demand)
  • News
  • Weather
  • Games
  • Internet broadcasting
  • Extended Programme Guide

We hold the necessary certificates and security is our top priority

  • Run on our own infrastructure
    • Secured communication
    • Secured operation of applications
  • Backed up power supply
    • Backed up electricity supply
    • Backup power sources with contractually guaranteed fuel supply
    • Geographic backup of data and applications
    • Redundant data connectivity
    • Protection against cyber attacks
    • Monitoring, detection, and protection against DDoS attacks
    • Network traffic anomaly detection
    • Continuous monitoring of the entire infrastructure
  • ANSI-TIA942
    The technology is operated from an ANSI-TIA942 certified DC TOWER data centre
  • Common Criteria Certification for Information Technology (IT) Security (ISO/IEC 15408)
    Certification at CC EAL 4+ level
  • ISO 9001
    Quality management systems
  • ISO 14001
    Environmental management systems
  • ISO 19011
    Standard for the certification of internal auditors
  • ISO/IEC 20 000-1
    Information technologies – Service management system requirements
  • ISO/IEC 27001
    Information security management systems
  • ISO/IEC 27017
    Information technologies – Security techniques – A set of guidelines for cloud environment security and for minimising the potential risk of security incidents
  • ISO/IEC 27018
    Information technologies – Security techniques – A set of procedures for the protection of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in public clouds acting as PII processors
  • SOC Type 1 and Type 2
    SOC 2 Type 1 and Type 2 certifications, issued in accordance with American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) standards and requirements, cover information management and security in organizations
  • ISO 50 001 
    Energy management systems
  • PCI-DSS 
    Compliance with the requirements of PCI-DSS for data centre operators
  • NBÚ
    Certificate for access to classified information up to the classification level ‘CONFIDENTIAL’
  • GDPR compliance
    The infrastructure is fully compliant with GDPR requirements

More detailed information

Traditional television broadcasting is delivered to viewers through a network of terrestrial or satellite television transmitters. The channel is unidirectional, and the viewer has no control over what the broadcaster offers. He can only switch channels.

Even though the vast majority of today’s television broadcasting is digital, the range of features or services that would complement broadcasting is not large. The most common include teletext, which adds informational content to television broadcasts, and the more or less widespread programme guide, known as EPG.

High-speed Internet, its truly mass availability and, above all, the possibility of two-way communication with the viewer, has dramatically expanded the range of services that can be offered to viewers with television and, by extension, multimedia content. The viewer has thus gone from being a mere observer to being an active participant, not only watching the content but also actively intervening in its transmission and, where appropriate, using a wide range of other advertising, sales, or information services provided in parallel.

Collectively referred to by the abbreviation IPTV, i.e., Television over the Internet, they usually distribute programmes of public or commercial television channels, supplemented by additional modern internet services, such as programme recording, time-shifting, and the possibility to respond immediately to advertising messages. IPTV principles are also used by most companies in their inhouse TV or video conferencing systems.

HbbTV (Hybrid Broadcast Broadband TV) is a technology used to integrate television broadcasting and the internet to provide viewers with a richer and more interactive viewing experience.

It combines TV broadcasting and internet content to create a single interactive environment. HbbTV allows viewers to access enhanced content and services through their TV sets provided they feature the HbbTV function.

HbbTV is available through applications or interactive sites that are provided alongside TV broadcasts. These apps and sites can be accessed via the red button on the remote control or via the HbbTV menu of the TV set. Viewers can interact with content, select shows from the archive, access online videos, display additional information, or purchase goods via commercial applications.

HbbTV is based on open web standards such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which allows developers to create interactive applications and pages for the HbbTV environment. Today, the HbbTV standard is supported by the vast majority of TV set and set-top box manufacturers around the world and is widely used in Europe as the standard for interactive TV services.

HbbTV brings a number of benefits to viewers, TV stations, as well as content providers. Viewers get access to enhanced content such as additional information, multimedia links, or interactive games, all through their TV sets. TV stations and content providers can use HbbTV to deliver targeted advertising, increase viewer engagement, and enhance their content with interactive elements.

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