České Radiokomunikace

CRA Provides Streaming of House of Deputies’ Sessions

CRA Provides Streaming of House of Deputies’ Sessions

People in the Czech Republic can watch what is going on in the House of Deputies around the clock. This is enabled by the streaming of the events in the House over the internet, provided as an around-the-clock service by České Radiokomunikace (CRA). Live broadcasts are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and can be watched on the House’s website.

People in the Czech Republic can watch what is going on in the House of Deputies around the clock. This is enabled by the streaming of the events in the House over the internet, provided as an around-the-clock service by České Radiokomunikace (CRA). Live broadcasts are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and can be watched on the House’s website.

What is going on in the House can be seen at any time on the website of the House of Deputies at www.psp.cz and everywhere else where the Office of the House of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic provides the broadcast. České Radiokomunikace has entered into an agreement with the Office of the House of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic for the provision of streaming of the events in the House through to 2025. Up to 10 parallel streams can be provided as part of this cooperation.

In the streaming, CRA uses its own infrastructure for processing video content and also its own CDN (content delivery network). This constitutes a sufficiently robust and scalable solution that can handle immense data flows at any one time and fast and seamless delivery of the required content to the end user.