České Radiokomunikace

Data centres

A secure environment for your servers and technologies as well as for storing your company’s data

With your servers placed in a data centre, you retain full control of your equipment while securing space to run it with a high degree of availability. All your data and applications will be safe.

Reliable, secure, and backed up high-availability data centres

31 years without an outage
31 years without an outage
Your data and applications will be safe and available at any time.
Primary and backup centres
Primary and backup centres
Your IT will run from a backup data centre in the event of primary site failure.
Service without downtime
Service without downtime
All our service interventions are carried out without impacting our customers thanks to the redundancy of our technologies.
24/7 support
24/7 support
An online helpdesk is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

What our clients say

P.V.A. Systems s.r.o.
Ing. Radek Nachtmann
CEO of P.V.A. Systems s.r.o.
Our company has been developing and implementing B.O.S.S. Enterprise sales, warehouse, and cash-register systems since 1996. Our commercial success in this highly competitive market is due, among other things, to the fact that we integrate and implement the latest knowledge and advanced technologies into our products. CRA’s cloud server services enhance the user functionalities of our solutions and offer the possibility of running databases on servers located away from the users’ premises, in a secure data centre with a defined level of security and availability.
ACTIVE 24, s. r. o.
ACTIVE 24, s. r. o.
Tomáš Hála

We chose server housing from CRA primarily because it offers the highest technological standard at affordable conditions. The DC TOWER data centre has sufficient spare capacity for growth and is continuously invested in. At the same time, it met the requirements of the presence of the Czech peering node NIX.CZ and the possibility of interconnection with other internet providers. Two years down the road, the high level of assurance of the data centre’s operation continues to confirm that our choice was right.


Pavel Kubas
Executive Director, Web4U

Given that we continue to develop our services and that the number of our customers keeps growing, we needed to find an environment for our equipment that is modern and technologically advanced and offers superior security. Our existing data centre no longer offered such facilities. We know that CRA regularly invests in the development of its data centres and offers a very modern technological environment. Therefore, CRA was able to offer us just the right premises for our offices. So, the choice was clear.

PRO.MED.CS Praha a.s.

Roman Hošek
Corporate ICT Manager, PRO.MED.CS Praha a.s.

We have decided to cooperate with CRA based on our prior experience and extended cooperation. We particularly appreciate CRA’s expertise and excellent communication, which has proven itself especially in an analysis of our existing systems and the design of customised solutions for us. We have chosen CRA as a long-term partner to provide our internal and external IT with the potential to expand our cooperation further.

Teleperformance CZ, a.s.

Jan Gerhart
CIO, Teleperformance CZ, a.s.

Our cooperation is the result of a proactive and personal approach during the selection process. We compared the advantages and disadvantages of purchasing our own server infrastructure with creating a cloud environment. CRA convinced us that cloud was a worthwhile solution given our plan to relocate our company’s headquarters and also in terms of OPEX cost utilisation. Compared to other big market players, CRA Business Cloud stands out in terms of its flexibility. We had the opportunity to see this for ourselves during a free one-month trial. Our tests confirmed what CRA’s specialists had promised, but their proactivity did not end there. In addition to the cloud, they helped us to create an environment that guarantees reliability for our employees and our company – which is what our customers expect, too.


Zdeněk Brůna
Chief Technical Officer, CZ.NIC

First, our technology was housed in shared data halls. Physical security came in the form of cages, and no further growth was possible. We were close to running out of capacity in terms of space, cooling, as well as power supply or, more precisely, power security. We considered various options for the inevitable capacity upgrade, including building a completely new site. In the end, however, building a so-called “private hall” in a CRA data centre turned out to be the most advantageous and least risky option, as the migration to the private hall did not involve any increase in infrastructure operating costs. On the contrary, it gave us the opportunity to reduce our operating costs.


Ondřej Muzika
Head of IT, APEX gaming EUROPE A.S.

Why did we choose CRA as our supplier of cloud and other services? The decisive factors were their absolutely professional and human approach, understanding of our specific security requirements, and last but not least, their cutting-edge technological facilities.

Do you want a whole rack, part of a rack or perhaps the entire hall?

Entire rack
Do you want a whole rack, part of a rack or perhaps the entire hall?
  • A standard rack up to 6 kW
  • With increased security
Shared rack
Do you want a whole rack, part of a rack or perhaps the entire hall?
  • ¼ or ½ of a rack
  • Your rack section will always be physically separated from those of other customers
Private data room
Do you want a whole rack, part of a rack or perhaps the entire hall?
  • An entire dedicated hall
  • Increased security
  • Setup of operating conditions that has a direct impact on savings
  • Customised solutions to suit specific requirements

Additional data centre services

  • Configuration room
    You can prepare and configure your device here before placing it in the rack
  • Equipment security
    Your equipment will be kept safe in a locked room
  • Equipment migration
    We will take care of migrating your equipment to the data centre
  • Restart upon request 
    We will restart your server or technology without you having to travel to the data centre
  • Dedicated internet connectivity
    We will connect your device to the internet via a line with an agreed transfer rate

We hold the necessary certificates and security is our top priority

  • Availability and security
    Our data centres guarantee high levels of availability and security thanks to backup power supply, 24-hour security and technical support
  • Redundancy
    Each technological element is installed with a redundancy of at least N+1
  • Physical security
    Physical security at BT3 level according to the National Security Authority methodology
  • Cyber security
    We ensure physical as well as cyber security of the services we provide
  • Proven technologies
    We use and offer only proven technologies to ensure cyber security 
  • ANSI-TIA942
    The technology is operated from an ANSI-TIA942 certified DC TOWER data centre
  • Common Criteria Certification for Information Technology (IT) Security (ISO/IEC 15408)
    Certification at CC EAL 4+ level
  • ISO 9001
    Quality management systems
  • ISO 14001
    Environmental management systems
  • ISO 19011
    Standard for the certification of internal auditors
  • ISO/IEC 20 000-1
    Information technologies – Service management system requirements
  • ISO/IEC 27001
    Information security management systems
  • ISO/IEC 27017
    Information technologies – Security techniques – A set of guidelines for cloud environment security and for minimising the potential risk of security incidents
  • ISO/IEC 27018
    Information technologies – Security techniques – A set of procedures for the protection of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in public clouds acting as PII processors
  • SOC Type 1 and Type 2
    SOC 2 Type 1 and Type 2 certifications, issued in accordance with American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) standards and requirements, cover information management and security in organizations
  • ISO 50 001 
    Energy management systems
  • PCI-DSS 
    Compliance with the requirements of PCI-DSS for data centre operators
  • NBÚ
    Certificate for access to classified information up to the classification level ‘CONFIDENTIAL’
  • GDPR compliance
    The infrastructure is fully compliant with GDPR requirements
  • Service support
    We guarantee comprehensive service support that includes spare parts, consulting, and much more
  • Active support
    We provide active support, 24 hours a day
  • Network monitoring
    We continuously monitor the status of our network
  • Physical access
    Physical access to equipment is secured with an electronic access control system
  • Fire protection
    Data centres are equipped with active and passive fire protection features

More detailed information

Data centres are premises built specifically for the operation of IT technologies. They are equipped with powerful air conditioning units that maintain a constant operating temperature and humidity. Power supply from several separate distribution systems is supplemented with diesel generators that can keep the data centre running for several days. They are secured against fire and other unexpected events and are built in locations where there is no risk of natural disasters. Robust data connections are protected against cyber attacks. Round-the-clock security and a range of special security measures prevent unauthorised access. This makes them an ideal place for the secure placement and operation of company servers and other IT technologies. All data centre power consumption is covered by energy from renewable sources.

Server housing, or sometimes also just housing, means the rental of space in a data centre for the operation of not only our clients’ servers, but also other IT equipment and technology. The equipment remains the client’s property and the centre’s staff are responsible for ensuring good operating conditions and reliability. The client gains an optimised and highly secure environment for its IT operations and it no longer needs to maintain its own premises or at least most of them. This not only cuts down on the client’s IT costs but also frees up its hands for more important work.

CRA’s DC TOWER data centres located in Prague are secure sites for clients’ servers, data, and technologies. The highly secured buildings feature powerful cooling, power supplied from two independent lines, backup diesel generators with priority fuel supply, and 24/7 security. The design of the data centres allows for service interventions on equipment without compromising customer service. Client technologies are housed in lockable cabinets (known as racks) which are physically separated from other clients’ equipment.

We also operate regional data centres in Brno, Zlín, Pardubice, and Ostrava. These are also serviceable during operation, without any limitations on customer service. This gives our clients the unique opportunity to operate their technologies as close to their sites as possible and to have access to them 24 hours a day. We plan to build additional regional data centres at other sites owned by our company.

Even though available from anywhere and anytime, data and applications are located in the Czech Republic. The data centres are compliant with GDPR requirements for handling sensitive data and PCI-DSS requirements for data centre operators. Our employees meet NBÚ security requirements for access to information. A helpdesk is available on a 24/7 basis.

We build solutions that take into account the specific needs of companies and entrepreneurs and the fields in which they operate. There is always an expert available to whom you can turn, whether you need help with the running of services, advice on optimisation, or a specific individual solution designed.

In addition to commercial premises, CRA also offers private data halls, which are custom-built to suit each customer’s needs.

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