České Radiokomunikace

About us

Our mission

We are the provider of a unique television, radio and internet infrastructure, which permits our customers high-quality delivery of media content.

We convert technological trends into innovative media, telecommunication and IT infrastructure services, which provide our customers with value.

International background

The 100% owner of stock in České Radiokomunikace is Cordiant Digital Infrastructure Limited, that invests primarily in the basic infrastructure of the digital economy - data centers, fiber optic networks and transmission and telecommunications towers in the UK, Europe and North America.
Do portfolia Cordiant zároveň s CRA dnes patří společnosti Hudson Interxchange, Emitel a Speed Fibre, které společně nabízejí stabilní, často na index vázaný příjem a možnost růstu v souladu s modelem společnosti „Buy, Build & Grow“.

Cordiant je investiční společnost s expertizou a zkušenostmi v digitální infrastruktuře. Investuje do globální infrastruktury a reálných aktiv, provozování infrastruktury soukromého kapitálu a infrastrukturních soukromých úvěrových strategií prostřednictvím partnerských fondů a spravovaných účtů. Současnou klientskou základnu Cordiantu tvoří globální pojišťovací společnosti, penzijní plány a rodinné kanceláře. Strategií společnosti je se zaměřovat na střední trhy, kde lze infrastrukturní firmy získat za atraktivní ceny a pak je rozšiřovat prostřednictvím investic.

Our values

Focus on the customer

The customer’s satisfaction is the priority of every single person in our company. We strive to provide customers with the expected value and establish strong and long-term relations with them.

Responsibility and professionalism

We are responsible for our results, actions and behaviour, as individuals and as a team. We carry out each activity professionally, meticulously and responsibly, with emphasis on maximum effectiveness. We work at full throttle and we are always prepared to make an extra effort to guarantee an excellent result if necessary.


Our behaviour is bound by key ethical and moral principles, honesty and adherence to the company’s in-house rules. We support open and direct communication.


We seek methods for handling matters faster, more ingeniously and to a higher level of quality. We support new ideas, concepts and opinions, which will move us forward.

Team spirit

Each of us has a specific role in the company, but we all strive towards the same goal. We complement each other and are aware that we can only reach our goals if we work together as one team.

The CRA Company’s management

Miloš Mastník
Miloš Mastník

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
with us since 2016

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Marcel Procházka
Marcel Procházka

Director of Legal and Regulatory Affairs
with us since 2007

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Jiří Černík
Jiří Černík

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
with us since 2022

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Pavel Kos
Pavel Kos

Chief Technical Officer (CTO)
with us since 2015

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Petr Možiš
Petr Možiš

Chief Commercial Officer (CCO)
with us since 2022

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Martina Ježková
Martina Ježková

HR Director (CPO)
with us since 2024

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For the media - contacts

Anna Tůmová
Anna Tůmová

Marketing and communications manager / Press Agent and ESG
České Radiokomunikace a.s.

+420 608 147 650 a.tumova@radiokomunikace.cz

Petra Miterová
Petra Miterová

PR deputy / Press agent
Neopublic Porter Novelli

+420 731 475 481 petra.miterova@neopublic.cz

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