České Radiokomunikace

How do we build GDPR

We have always taken protection of personal data and the transparency of processing this data very seriously. This is a requirement of secure electronic communications services and data centres.

When the new European Parliament and Council (EU) Regulation came into force we were required to implement measures in the field of protection of personal data related to this regulation. If you are interested in how precisely we handle data, please view the full wording of our Principles for processing personal data.

How we proces personal data

Application of rights and reporting incidents

Every natural person may apply its rights according to Articles 15-22 of the GDPR, particularly by means of our GDPR form.

I want to apply my rights

If you have registered any incident related to breach of protection of personal data processed by our company, please report this incident by means of the form below.

Report incident

All information systems, which have anything to do with assuring physical security and store personal data, are registered with the Office for Personal Data Protection.