České Radiokomunikace

Making a long-term contribution to improving IT and cyber security in the Czech Republic

The reliable and strategically important infrastructure we offer and operate ourselves must be as secure as possible. This is key not only for us or you, but also for the state. That is why we see cybersecurity as our responsibility and consider it an important added value for everyone.

We are really serious about security

A set of interconnected measures
A set of interconnected measures
Ensuring security involves the use of physical, process, and technological means.
Security tools
Security tools
  • Only proven technologies that we have personally tested
  • An excellent team with extensive experience
  • Cooperation with proven and reputable partners
Our CSIRT team actively participates in a number of working groups focused on the development and maintenance of cyber security in the Czech Republic.

Security as a puzzle

  • DDoS protection
    Continuous automatic protection against DDoS attacks.
  • Firewall
    Secures your infrastructure by filtering internet traffic.
  • Web Application Firewall (WAF)
    Protects your web applications and their data from attacks.
  • Analysis of the state of cybersecurity
    Checks the level of security of your IT and proposes the necessary measures.
  • Physical security
    Physical security at BT3 level according to the National Security Authority methodology.
  • Safe communications
    Your data transmission is secured by our private networks that are separate from the internet or VPN.
  • Security of data centres and cloud
    Data centres guarantee a high level of availability and security with a backed-up power supply, 24/7 security, geographic separation, and technical support.
  • NBÚ certificate
    We hold a valid certificate from the national Security Authority for access to classified information.
  • Active support
    We provide active support, 24 hours a day.
  • GDPR compliance
    Very strict internal guidelines ensuring GDPR compliance for both personal and sensitive personal data.

  • ANSI-TIA942
    The technology is operated from an ANSI-TIA942 certified DC TOWER data centre
  • Common Criteria Certification for Information Technology (IT) Security (ISO/IEC 15408)
    Certification at CC EAL 4+ level
  • ISO 9001
    Quality management systems
  • ISO 14001
    Environmental management systems
  • ISO 19011
    Standard for the certification of internal auditors
  • ISO/IEC 20 000-1
    Information technologies – Service management system requirements
  • ISO/IEC 27001
    Information security management systems
  • ISO/IEC 27017
    Information technologies – Security techniques – A set of guidelines for cloud environment security and for minimising the potential risk of security incidents
  • ISO/IEC 27018
    Information technologies – Security techniques – A set of procedures for the protection of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in public clouds acting as PII processors
  • SOC Type 1 and Type 2
    SOC 2 Type 1 and Type 2 certifications, issued in accordance with American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) standards and requirements, cover information management and security in organizations
  • ISO 50 001 
    Energy management systems
  • PCI-DSS 
    Compliance with the requirements of PCI-DSS for data centre operators
  • NBÚ
    Certificate for access to classified information up to the classification level ‘CONFIDENTIAL’
  • GDPR compliance
    The infrastructure is fully compliant with GDPR requirements

More detailed information

Our general approach is the foundation of the security of our data centre and telecommunications infrastructure security. Layered on top of this are cloud ecosystems that provide computing capacity and specialised applications.

Each of these overlay platforms features additional higher levels of protection. Some of these are included in the service, others are optional. You always have full control over your environment and the certainty that you have someone to rely on in the event of a problem.

Certified quality

All certifications are continuously maintained and regularly renewed.

We are an ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified organisation for ICT services, ICT cloud services, telecommunications services, as well as for services related to television and radio broadcasting. We have also been certified according to ISO 9001:2008, ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011, and ISO 14001:2004 in the same areas.

Certificate from the National Security Authority

Because our technologies are important for the functioning of the state, we cooperate with integrated rescue system services. We regularly practise crisis management. We have access to the state’s strategic commodity reserve, such as diesel supplies for our back-up power sources.

Since 2016, our infrastructure has been part of the critical information infrastructure in the Czech Republic pursuant to Act No. 181/2014 Coll. and for many years, it has been part of the country’s critical infrastructure pursuant to Act No. 240/2000 Coll.

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