CRA opens the Cukrák data centre

CRA is strengthening its position in the field of data centres. They are opening the Cukrák data centre, which has a capacity of almost 80 racks. Investments in the data centre amount to tens of millions of crowns.
To build a new data centre, CRA used its own premises within the Cukrák transmitter, which became available in connection with the change in technologies required for broadcasting. CRA uses existing buildings for new technology services as often as possible. The currently built Cukrák data centre is already the 8th CRA data centre overall.
‘Using existing buildings for new purposes that are based on our service offer is a trend we have been working on for several years. It also allows us to react relatively quickly to the market situation and prepare new capacities at the moment they are needed’, says CRA CEO Miloš Mastník. ‘Very safe, technologically appropriate, and sufficiently energy-supplied transmitter buildings are ideal for building data halls. Examples of already functioning halls are Strahov, Ostrava, Brno, and Pardubice’, adds Miloš Mastník. ‘In addition, by using and modernising existing premises, we will ensure more efficient and gentle operation of buildings and at the same time reduce the need to build new premises, which is also in line with our long-term ESG strategy’, concludes Miloš Mastník.
The capacity of the new Cukrák data centre is up to 78 racks. As with all data centres, at DC Cukrák the emphasis is on security parameters, from the point of view of physical as well as cyber security.