České Radiokomunikace

České Radiokomunikace Launches Second Phase of 5G Television Broadcasting

In addition to the Czech Republic, broadcasting using 5G Broadcast technology is being tested in other European countries, such as Germany, Austria, and Italy. Use of 5G Broadcast is planned in France next year, during the Paris Olympics.

In addition to the Czech Republic, broadcasting using 5G Broadcast technology is being tested in other European countries, such as Germany, Austria, and Italy. Use of 5G Broadcast is planned in France next year, during the Paris Olympics.

“We have long been a leader in testing new technologies, and we are again confirming this position in the case of the 5G Broadcast technology,” says Miloš Mastník, CEO of CRA. “Broadcasting in 5G is able to bring viewers their favourite show to their mobile telephones or tablets, without requiring the use of mobile data; it is more economical and environmentally friendly than existing technologies,” adds Miloš Mastník.

CRA is now launching test broadcasting from two Prague transmitters: Žižkov and Strahov. The broadcasts will run in a single-frequency network; in the case of Žižkov with the same power as current DVB-T2 broadcasting.

The purpose of the test is to check signal coverage in Prague and the possibilities of mobile TV broadcasting reception, and to set up diverse modulation schemes to ensure optimal broadcasting parameters.

With the current broadcasting test, CRA aims to gain practical knowledge of the technology available and of the parameters in the use of a single-frequency network, and to compare those with the previous test conducted in 2022, when broadcasting ran solely from Žižkov Tower.


Technical data:

Test broadcasting sites: Prague City and Prague Strahov

Frequency: 746 MHz (CH55) – in the duplex gap of the 700 MHz bandwidth

Radiated ERP power: 32 kW (Prague - City) and 2 kW (Prague - Strahov)

Channel width: 8MHz

Polarisation: vertical (both sites)


In the Czech Republic, digital terrestrial television and radio broadcasting (DTT) is a highly reliable, environmentally friendly, and one of the most modern network platforms, and it is therefore the most broadly used platform for television reception in Czech households (used by approximately 57.4% of Czech households). With the introduction of DVB-T2 and use of interactive TV services via HbbTV, CRA has become a leader in digital broadcasting innovations.